Honouring the hard work of HSD staff

 staff recognition may 2024

Staff members who go above and beyond their job descriptions and inspire others with their work were celebrated at a recent special event.  

Nine people were nominated for the first round of the HSD Staff Recognition program. The new strength-based, non-competitive initiative honours administrative support staff from across the Faculty of Human and Social Development. 

The Dean’s Office organized the recognition event, which was held online so all nominators and nominees could attend, followed by lunch in the HSD Staff Lounge.

HSD Director of Administration Ana Danut says the program is one way to celebrate the hard work of administrative staff who work in a variety of roles across units, including student and faculty support, program advising, or organizing field schools or practicums. 

“I was so pleased to see many deserving people nominated for the first round of this program,” Danut says. “Much of the work in administrative roles is behind-the-scenes but it is absolutely essential to the success of HSD.”

Gillian Dolding, an academic advisor with the School of Public Health and Social Policy, was nominated by Assistant Teaching Professor Natalie Frandsen. 

“Having opportunities like this to lift each other up means so much,” Dolding says. “We couldn’t do our jobs without the amazing staff and faculty we’re surrounded by.”

Shawn Hoey, field education coordinator with the School of Social Work, was nominated by his colleague, Yvette Sellars, an Indigenous field education coordinator.

“I am incredibly humbled and honoured to be recognized by a colleague,” Hoey says. “To me, that has to be one of the most special things.”

The next nomination period for the HSD Staff Recognition program is open until Aug. 30. Danut says the Dean’s Office has been organizing numerous initiatives to support staff wellness and to meet HSD’s strategic priority of fostering a healthy and welcoming culture.

Nomination forms are available on the HSD awards and initiatives page. Please submit nominations to Ana Danut with the subject line, HSD Employee Recognition. 


Kimberly Cook, programs assistant, Public Administration

Jasmine Desjardins, HSD faculty grant officer, HSD Research Centre

Gillian Dolding, admission and academic advisor, Public Health and Social Policy

Alana Duthie, administrative assistant, Health Information Science 

Caroline Green, graduate program assistant, Child and Youth Care,

Shawn Hoey, field education coordinator, Social Work

Sandy Polomark, undergraduate BSN student advisor, Nursing  

Olena Marun, administrative assistant, Health Information Science 

Kyoko Urano, distance education assistant, Social Work