Nathan Lachowksy is HSD's new Associate Dean Research

Nathan Lachowsky

A social epidemiologist whose career has been dedicated to achieving health equity for marginalized communities has been chosen as HSD’s new associate dean research.

Nathan Lachowsky, an associate professor with the School of Public Health and Social Policy, was ratified recently as HSD's associate dean research for five years. He has been in the acting role since January. 

“Our HSD community and partners are pursuing research on the most pressing issues facing our society and world, including insidious social inequities and escalating climate change. I am excited to have this opportunity as associate dean research to serve and uplift the incredible work of our passionate students, postdoctoral fellows, staff, and faculty,” he says.

“I love and believe deeply in the novel and disruptive ways our approach to research in HSD advances just, equitable, decolonial and sustainable futures.”

Prior to rejoining the faculty, Lachowsky was seconded as a special advisor health research with the Office of the Vice-President Research and Innovation.

A researcher of 2S/ LGBTQQIA+ health, Lachowsky also has a focus on HIV/AIDS and sexual and reproductive health. He conducts interdisciplinary research within a social justice framework in order to achieve health equity for marginalized communities.

Read more about one of his most recent community-engaged research projects, HIV In My Day.