Let’s listen to nurses

A group of UVic student nurses walk together outside a vaccine clinic in Victoria, where they have been working as part of their studies

The past two years have been tough on nurses. During this National Nursing Week, the Faculty of Human and Social Development (HSD) would like to recognize the extraordinary work and commitment of nurses and nurse educators throughout the pandemic.

Nurses are the largest group of health-care providers in Canada. HSD Dean Helga Hallgrímsdóttir says it’s important to recognize that nurses have been under significant strain.

“I’d like to take this opportunity to thank nurses and nurse educators. We value you, and we are grateful for the exceptional dedication, skill and professionalism you have brought and continue to bring to people across the country,” Hallgrímsdóttir says.

UVic nursing students have been on the frontlines, too, assisting at vaccine clinics on campus and in health-care settings in numerous communities over the course of the pandemic.

Associate Dean Academic Maureen Ryan attended the BC Nurses’ Union Vigil to Heal Health Care on Monday at the Legislature. She says the atmosphere was one of grief as nurses shared stories about the impacts of COVID and the opioid crisis on the health-care system and the practices of nurses. 

“This year, nurses were not asking to be celebrated, congratulated or even thanked,” Ryan says. “The ask was to listen to a profession with knowledge and expert practices and a continued reputation for providing evidenced-informed care that contribute to the health and well-being of people.”