Giving is Good

Chantel Adams

Chantel Adams, School of Child and Youth Care

Recipient of the Ramona Williams Memorial Scholarship

“Haw’aa (thank you). I feel so blessed to have the opportunity to be offered this great gift. It has honestly been a struggle financially. This award allows me peace and the good feeling of community support. Haw’aa. Haw’aa. Haw’aa.”

The Ramona Williams Memorial Scholarship was created by the Cowichan Tribes on Vancouver Island, the largest First Nations community in B.C. The scholarship awards $1,000 to an academically outstanding Indigenous student enrolled in the School of Child and Youth Care. Established four years ago, the award is named in honour of Ramona Williams, a beloved and respected Elder in the community who served on the tribal council from 1984 to 1999.

Scholarships, bursaries and awards for Indigenous students are listed on the UVic website under the Office of the Registrar.