Dr. Kelli Stajduhar Stajduhar named Academic of the Year and palliative care Innovator for 2017.

Kelli Stajduhar

Her 30 years of research, advocacy, teaching, and clinical work has earned Kelli Stajduhar the 2017 Ehor Boyanowsky Academic of the Year Award from the Canadian Universities Faculty Association of B.C. in recognition of her outstanding contribution to the community beyond the academy. Her nominators described her as “a model to researchers, educators and clinicians alike, exemplifying a commitment to advancing quality end-of-life care for all members of our population.” Read more here.

Also, The Canadian Foundation for Healthcare Improvement has named Stajduhar and her research team with iPANEL and Fraser Health as one of 26 palliative and end-of-life care Innovators for 2017. Their collaborative work on integrating a palliative approach into the acute care pathway was showcased at the foundation’s CEO Forum held in Toronto, June 2017. Congratulations to all!