Innovation teams at CAMH

Canadian Health's magazine published an article about Innovation teams at Toronto's Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) make their cases to ‘Dragons’ and lists Zeynab Hassan, Health Information Science Graduate Student as one of the winners.

Zeynab Hassan had the opportunity to pitch an innovative idea to a panel of four Dragons which consisted of Don Tapscott, Rola Dagher, Muhammad Mamdani and Dr. Catherine Zahn’s CAMH president and CEO.

Zeynab’s team proposed an initiative called "Take my Photo Day" and asked for $10,000 to fund this project. The project would bring professional photography standards to a once-a-year shoot to replace patient admission photos, often taken when people are distressed and dishevelled, with poor lighting and image quality. She is hoping for a hospital-wide launch early to mid Fall 2019.

Innovation teams at CAMH
Innovation teams at CAMH


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