Statement of Solidarity

(Victoria - June 4, 2020) – The School of Child and Youth Care stands in solidarity, strong spirit and commitment to denounce, oppose and rise against acts of anti-black racism, colonial violence and white supremacy on Indigenous territories and lands.

Current demonstrations have been sparked by the murder of George Floyd by police officers and by a system that continues to unjustly target Black, Indigenous and People of Colour  in every aspect of civil  society.   

The School of Child and Youth Care calls on practitioners, educators, activists, allies, political leaders, organizations, members, and all individuals to gather together, speak out, and take immediate action against endemic and violent racism and inequality.   We call for long overdue reform of the justice system, as well as multiple systems (i.e. child welfare, education, immigration, health care) that systematically targets Black and Indigenous women, men, children and youth for incarceration or abduction, exploitation, trafficking, violence and murder.

SCYC affirms this commitment to stand firm, speak and act against anti-black and anti-Indigenous racism in the community and on our campuses as places of work and learning.  Both anti-black and anti-Indigenous racism is evident in the under-representation of scholars, students and leaders in post-secondary education; in their over-representation in precarious employment; in racial profiling on campus; and in discrimination in academic employment practices, including hiring and promotion.

Our commitment stands strong with the families and communities of People of Colour and Indigenous children, youth, families and communities. We will speak out against racism, we will act to vote in and support the work of good leadership that is accountable, responsive to individual and community needs to seek justice, and to end violence associated with racism within all the communities that we work within, serve, and call our home.


Helga Kristín Hallgrímsdóttir, PhD

Acting Director of the School of Child and Youth Care



Explore the following links for information on some organizations in Victoria that are working toward social justice: