UNESCO Chair renewal

We are pleased to announce that Dr. Alan Pence’s appointment as holder of the UNESCO Chair in Early Childhood Education, Care and Development has been renewed for an additional four years. UNESCO’s Assistant Director-General for Education, Qian Tang, noted: “I wish to commend Professor Alan Pence and his team for their valuable work and achievements in the field of early childhood education. It is particularly topical that the work is focused on the most vulnerable and disadvantaged children in sub-Saharan Africa. I hope that the Chair… will develop further teaching, training, research, publication, networking and coordination of multi and inter-disciplinary activities in the field of early childhood education through [the] Early Childhood Development Virtual University (ECDVU).”

It should be noted that the ECDVU continues to work with the University of Ibadan in Nigeria in supporting their adoption of a one year Graduate Diploma program styled after the ECDVU program in International Child and Youth Care for Development.