September Symposium - Learning how to inherit colonized and ecologically challenged lifeworlds

Learning how to inherit colonized and ecologically challenged lifeworlds

 A three-day, SSHRC-funded, symposium

September 26-28, 2014

University of Victoria, British Columbia, Canada

Keynote presenters:

Professor Marie Battiste, Professor Elizabeth Povinelli, Professor Myra Hird, Vanessa Watts-Powless, & Professor Deborah Bird Rose will address:

(a) Place and agency in Indigenous cosmologies;

(b) Aboriginal relations to place, plants, and animals;

(c) Issues of waste disposal in the Anthropocene;

(d) Cohabiting with other species in a time of rapid species extinction; and

(e) Geological perspectives on living and dying in the Anthropocene. 

See flyers attached for more details.

The primary goal of this event is to build networks and knowledge foundations for ongoing international collaborative research and dialogue in early childhood education. For more information visit

Participants will discuss these presentations in relation to:

•            The responsibility of early childhood education to address intergenerational ecological justice in the Anthropocene

•            The pedagogical significance of children’s relations with place, plants, and animals

•            The pedagogical significance of place and belonging in early childhood education

•            Pedagogical strategies for dealing with waste in early childhood settings

•            The ethics of young children’s relationships with threatened and/or not easy to live with animals.

Symposium Organizers:

Veronica Pacini-Ketchabaw, School of Child & Youth Care, University of Victoria, BC

Affrica Taylor, Geographies of Education & Childhood, University of Canberra, AU

Mindy Blaise, Victoria University, Early Childhood Education, Melbourne, AU

Sandrina de Finney, School of Child & Youth Care, University of Victoria, BC

Common Worlds Childhoods Project:

RSVP by September 15, 2014 to