Child and Youth Care in Action V: Embracing Challenge conference program

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During this conference, we want to celebrate the depth and breadth of our field nationally and internationally. Practitioners and researchers everywhere find themselves embracing multiple real-world and theoretical challenges as part of their everyday working lives. With the intention of embracing these challenges, we welcome you to two days of presentations, conversations and meetings at the University of Victoria.  Practitioners will share their successful interventions and programs, and researchers will share findings that their Child and Youth Care related inquiries have generated.     

Note: All conference sessions are being held in the David Strong Building.
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Please join us in thanking VanCity Savings for their generous support of our conference!

Here are information about our keynote presentations, a brief program overview and a link to the full conference program.

Child and Youth Care in Action V: Embracing Challenge full conference program

Looking Forward: Then and Now: Keynote with Alan Pence and Jeffrey Ansloos

This presentation draws on lived experiences of two faculty members in the School of Child and Youth Care, Dr. Alan Pence and Dr. Jeffrey Ansloos.  Alan Pence is one of the longest serving professors at the School of Child and Youth Care and Jeffrey Ansloos is one of the most recently appointed. Together, they discuss characteristics of their experiences in the field of child and youth care, the nature of ‘looking forward’ from their vocational vantage points, relationships between ‘then and now’, and how some of their own experiences prior to joining the School of Child and Youth Care have influenced their work within the field and their plans for the future.

Alan Pence Alan Pence, PhD, is the UNESCO Chair for Early Childhood Education, Care and Development
(ECD) and Professor, School of Child and Youth Care. Before coming to UVic in
1980, he had been employed in child and youth care for ten years, serving as an
early childhood educator, rural programs coordinator, and director of early
childhood, school-age, and residential special needs care programs. Prior to
1990 Alan undertook research addressing family, labor force participation, and
child care issues. In 1989 he was invited by a large tribal council to
co-develop a culturally and community sensitive approach to post-secondary
education. That project, the First Nations Partnerships Program (FNPP),
subsequently partnered with nine other tribal organizations. In 1994 UNICEF
requested his support to promote capacity for ECD in Africa. Starting with a
series of multi-week Institutes, that work led to: the launch of an African ECD
Conference series (1999-2009); funding to develop an online graduate program
(ECDVU, 2000-present); and scholarly workshops designed to promote African
led-research (2008-present). Since 1981 Alan has served as PI or Co-PI for over
70 research and development projects from 25-plus funders worth over 14 million
dollars. He is a frequent international keynote and workshop presenter. He has
authored over 130 journal articles and chapters and edited or authored twelve
books on a variety of child care and development topics. He is the recipient of
UVic’s inaugural Craigdarroch Research Award for Societal Contributions, the
Canadian Bureau for International Education’s Award for Educational Leadership,
and a finalist for the international WISE Awards for innovation in education.
Jeffrey Ansloos Jeffrey Ansloos, Ph.D., is an Assistant Professor in the School of
Child and Youth Care,at the University of Victoria.
Prior to joining the School in 2016, Jeffrey was an Assistant Professor of
International Mental Health at Lesley University and served as the Director of
Global Interdisciplinary Studies, leading a UNICEF partnership in Guyana and
Nicaragua. Jeffrey researches theory, practices and policies in youth violence
prevention, indigeneity, migration, mental health, digital youth culture, human
rights and ethics. Jeffrey has worked in the human service sector for over a
decade, and draws on his experiences as a youth worker, community organizer,
non-profit manager, clinical psychologist, and international
development strategic planner. Jeffrey is a graduate of the University of
Manitoba, Fuller Graduate Schools, and Trinity Western University, holding a BA
in Counseling, MA in Refugee Mental Health, MA in Theology and Ethics, and PhD
in Clinical Psychology. Jeffrey is also a registered psychologist with the
College of Psychologists of British Columbia, a fellow of the Centre for Youth and Society, a fellow of the
Indigenous Digital Humanities Network, and a fellow of the UNAOC.
The Future is Not What it Used to Be: Keynote Dialogue/Communilogue with Jim Anglin and Mandeep Mucina

This is a time of important transition for the School of Child and Youth Care, - a unique situation not experienced for over 35 years - when 3 new faculty members are joining the faculty at the same time. Jim and Mandeep share some interesting conjunctions as well as disjunctions which they will explore in a light-hearted manner while touching on some significant challenges and opportunities for child and youth care as a rapidly evolving and global profession. How can CYC be congruent in its values and principles across both practice and formal education, including distance learning? What have we learned over our history about diversity and pluralism, and what challenges and opportunities lie ahead? Where does our work need to take us in the increasingly complex international context of children youth, families and communities?  We invite all conference participants to join us in transforming our dialogue into a communilogue on our shared futures.

Jim Anglin Jim Anglin, PhD, began his career as a child and youth care
worker in a mental health centre in Vancouver after which he moved to Victoria
and began a 6-bed group home for four boys and two girls who were experiencing
a variety of distresses in their lives. Following these front-line work
experiences, he pursued graduate studies and then spent two years in social
policy work in Ottawa and two years as a Senior Project Coordinator with the
Children’s Services Division in Toronto. Returning to B.C. in 1979, he joined
the faculty of the School of Child and Youth Care at the University of Victoria
where he is a full Professor and former Director. His major research interests
have focused on a re-appreciation of residential care for children and youth
(e.g. Pain, Normality and the Struggle
for Congruence: Reinterpreting Residential Care for Children and Youth,
Routledge, 2002). Currently, he is involved in researching and documenting the
implementation and impact of a principle-based approach to residential care
with colleagues from the Bronfenbrenner Centre for Translational Research at
Cornell University. He has published in North American and international
journals and child welfare texts on a variety of child and youth care issues.
He is on the editorial boards of Child
and Youth Services, International Journal of Child and Family Welfare, Journal
of Child and Youth Care Work, International Journal of Child, Youth and Family
Studies, and Reclaiming Youth at Risk.
He has also visited child and youth care programs and offered keynotes,
workshops and seminars in over 40 countries – focusing on extra-familial care
with young people, creating theory from qualitative data, and the evolution of
CYC as a global profession.
Mandeep Mucina Mandeep Kaur Mucina came to the University of Victoria’s Child and Youth Care as an undergraduate
student 17 years ago and has now joined
the School of Child and Youth Care as an Assistant Professor. Mandeep has
worked with children, youth and families in various contexts including after
school care, youth programming, and child protection. After completing her
Bachelor’s degree, Mandeep worked in Vancouver on the Aboriginal family
services team, where she supported the reunification
of in-care Indigenous children and youth and their families. During this transformative time, Mandeep also began
working with young girls and women involved with child protection who were
survivors of family, domestic, and sexualized violence. The resiliency
and resistance that these women and girls continued to demonstrate inspired Mandeep to
pursue her Masters in Social Work (MSW) to further her knowledge of and practice in the gender-based
violence sector. After completing her MSW and working with migrant families
struggling with family violence, Mandeep went on to complete her doctorate in
Adult Education and Community Development
at the University of Toronto’s Ontario Institue
of Studies in Education. Here she focused her research and work on “honour” related violence in the South Asian
Diaspora and gathered life histories of women who encountered “honour” related
violence, yet continue to resist, reclaim, and transgress the boundaries of
“honour” throughout their lives. Since completing her doctorate, Mandeep
has been teaching in Schools of Social Work and Child and Youth Care at major
universities across Canada, most recently at Dalhousie University. Mandeep’s
research and social justice work focuses
on family violence, gender-based
violence, and exploring second-generation
immigrant youths’ stories of resistance, identity and cultural
engagement in Canada, all from a feminist anti-racist, anti-colonial standpoint.


Child and Youth Care in Action V: Embracing Challenge Conference
Brief Program Overview

TIME Thursday, April 27, 2017
8:00 AM -
9:00 AM
Buffet Breakfast in the lobby of David Strong Building
9:00 AM -
10:30 AM
Territory/Land Acknowledgment and Prayer by Elders Voices, Elders from the First Peoples House, UVic

Opening Remarks by Tricia Marck, Dean, Faculty of Human and Social Development

Opening Remarks by Sibylle Artz and Marie Hoskins, Conference Co-Chairs

Keynote Presentation: Alan Pence and Jeffrey Paul Ansloos

10:30 AM -
11:00 AM
Nutrition Break - lobby of the David Strong Building
11:00 AM -
11:45 AM
Concurrent Sessions: Presenters:
Decolonization and Transformation to IndigenEYEZ

Sue Sterling-Bur, Kelly Terbasket

Nature: A space for reflection


Sylvia Storry, Gaby Emmet

Walking the talk (and stumbling): Complexities of employing a CYC approach in the online classroom


Janet Newbury, Amber Rowse-Robinson, Lori Hamar

Normalizing Deployment Separations for Canadian Children during the Afghanistan War


Kristin Atwood

DIVERSITY, VULNERABILITY AND YOUNG AGE: Deeper Perspective From Bangladesh


Nazneen Akhter, M Salim Uzzaman

The Implementation of “Children And Residential Experiences: Creating Conditions for Change” (Holden 2009)


Anton Smith, Stacey Charchuk

“I am Something Else. For Now”: Exploring Youth Conversations of Gender Online


Mattie Walker

When Children’s Bodies Challenge the Norm


Connie Antonsen

Indigenous Science: Rearing Children in Cultures of Respect

(Workshop – 90 Minutes)
Continued in next session

Larry K. Brendtro, Martin Brokenleg

Support of Children and Youth at Risk by their parents and significant others in the Community and in Residential Care: Implications for Practice
 and Research
Shlomo Romi, Shalhevet Attar-Schwartz, Emmanuel

Foundations of Disaster Psychosocial Support


Krista Tincher
The Community Early Learning  and Child Care Facilitators Project: Building Communities of Research and Leadership

Kim Atkinson, Lexie Biegun
12:00 PM - 12:45 PM Concurrent Sessions: Presenters:

All In: Ethics of Care in Settler Societies 


Stephanie Brockett, Ben Anderson-Nathe, Sandrina de Finney, Nicole Land, Scott Kouri

Young People as Problem-Solver: Engagement, Participation and Voice

Shay Erlich, Mandi Mayhew, Chris Tone

Uganda, crisis in care: what is helping and what is not?  


Ian Milligan

Care- ‘Less’: Exploring the interface between care and control for workers in Children’s Homes in Ghana


Ernest Darkwah

Innovations in Residential Care: Creative Solutions for Unique Challenges 


Brent Carbonell, Jack Penashue, Melinda Wellsman, Michelle Hawco

Continuation from previous session:

Indigenous Science: Rearing Children in Cultures of Respect 


Larry K. Brendtro, Martin Brokenleg

Continuation from previous session:

Support of Children and Youth at Risk by their parents and significant others in the Community and in Residential Care: Implications for Practice and Research

Shlomo Romi, Shalhevet Attar-Schwartz, Emmanuel Grupper

Building Better Teams: Leadership in Community


Amber McMillan
12:45 PM -
1:45 PM
Lunch on your own
1:45 PM -
2:30 PM
Concurrent Sessions: Presenters:

Sharing Circle: Values for Healing

Victor Underwood with
Scharah Cooper,  Sandrina de Finney

Embodying self-care: Why mindfulness matters. Exploring stress   experienced in child and youth care students during field-based   practicum. 


Christine Slavik

The relational Model, Bridging Discourses between medical and social models of caring for young people diagnosed with autism

Nancy Marshall, Saira Batasar

Let's Get Over Ourselves! Cyber-Space is Life-Space: A consideration of CYC Ethics Online


Colleen Kamps, Hailey Kavanagh, Amanda Mayhew

Outdoor Risky Play: Relevance for healthy child development in risk-averse times


Nevin Harper, Marlene Powers

Food for Thought: A Case for Culinary in the CYC Profession 


Amber Rowse-Robinson

Embracing the Challenges of Professionalism: The Future is Not What it used to Be


Jim Anglin, Emily Hellard,

Janet Westcott, Leanne Rose

Traversing Threshold in Child and Youth Care Education: A Qualitative Inquiry into the Meaning-Making Experience of an International Study Tour Student Participants


Gerard Bellefeuille, Asma Ammouneh, Cassie Anthoney, Maya Beautista, Jack Deol, Kerry Heaney-Dalton, Lori Smith, Gabrielle St Pierre, Kelly-Ann Reid, Sarah Thang

Tastawâw (the space between two walls): Youth displacement, migration and movements


Jeffrey Paul Ansloos

“Feeding two birds with one scone:” Community-level social justice initiatives and experiential   learning for CYC students in Vancouver Island University’s Centre for Community Outreach and Care

Teri Derksen, Ashleigh Martinflatt, Stephen Javorski, and CYC students

School Based Child and Youth Care Practioner:The three C’s & the B word of social skill development


Patricia Dunphy

2:45 PM -
3:30 PM
Concurrent Sessions: Presenters:

Enacting transdisciplinary conversations in child and youth care 


Nicole Land, Emily Coon, Shemine Gulamhusein, Narda Nelson, Angela Scott

Technology Integration in Service Delivery: LifeBook as a Place for all Spaces Emmie DeKort, Celine Cabral, Trisha Rolfe
Going It Alone! The Journey of a Self-Employed CYC 

Deb Cockerton
Arts-informed CYC in practice, education, and research 

Wolfgang Vachon

Toward a Child and Youth Care Approach to New Religious Movements:  An Analysis of "Leaving   Narratives"


Jessica Pratezina

Enriching, engaging, and enlivening CYC practicum experiences: Lessons learned from a pilot project 


Jin-Sun Yoon, Lisa Gunderson, Maryann Gladstone, et al.

Seeking Minomadjin (harmony) through developmental evaluation


Natasha Blanchet-Cohen

Creating Evidence Based Change through a Trauma Informed Lens:   Translating Principles into Practice


Susan Hunt, Nicki Reyda

Muslim Youth Radicalization: A Child and Youth Care Perspective

Kate Hann, Libby Holmes, Anthony Passerelli

3:30 PM -
4:00 PM
Nutrition Break - lobby of the David Strong Building
4:00 PM -
4:45 PM
Concurrent Sessions: Presenters:

A CYC approach to the operation of a refugee camp

Luke Carty, Peter Lebuis, Colleen Kamps

At the CORE: Relational accountability as the heart of community collaboration


Carmen Rodriguez de France, Kristely Kelly

Third-Wave Dervish: A CYC Autoethnographic Methodology


Shemine Gulamhusein

Working Collaboratively with families to support children with ADHD


Caroline Buzanko

East and West sociocultural factors in children’s moral reasoning: Working with schools, families and communities around the globe.


Alice Ng, Saman Fouladirad, Arantxa Mascarenas, Jessie Lo, Catherine Ann Cameron

The experience of ‘institutional’ care: experiences and views of young adults from a diverse range of low, middle and high income countries


Ian Milligan

Involving Youth in Care in Research for Action: A “Career in Care” Perspective


James Anglin, Lilia Zahareieva, Angela Scott & Deborah Rutman SHARE

Collaborating with Carers


Stephanie McCune
Use of Technology and community-based Child and Youth Care Practices

Jennifer Martin, Kiaras Gharabaghi, Joey Blake, Travonne Edwards, Annu Gaidhu, Matthew London, Joe Singh, Emily Clark

TIME Friday, April 28, 2017
8:30 AM - 9:00 AM Coffee and Tea available in the lobby of the David Strong Building
9:30 AM - 10:30 AM Unveiling and celebrating the School of Child & Youth Care "Community Wellness" drum

Closing Remarks by Sibylle Artz and Marie Hoskins, Conference Co-Chairs

Keynote Presentation: James Anglin and Mandeep Mucina

10:30 AM - 11:00 AM Nutrition Break - lobby of the David Strong Building
11:00 AM - 11:45 AM

Concurrent Sessions:



Making Meaning of Mindfulness in the Classroom 


Kristy Dellebuur O'Connor, Bryan Tesan

Staying Relevant Through Strategic Alliances 


Carinna Kenigsberg

Young Carer Supports: A Global Perspective 


Heather Chalmers, Yana Lakman, Cayleigh Sexton, Michelle Lewis

Young Bears Lodge - A Philosophy-driven Approach to Youth Substance-Use Recovery 


Fleurie Hunter, Tia Mihalj, Kyla Barnes, Rae-Anne Lebrun

Implementing standardized suicide prevention education in localized and variable contexts: A focused ethnography research design


Jennifer White, Patti Ranahan

Restorative Justice in Education: Critical Reflections on a Transdisciplinary Approach to Child and Youth Care Practice (Paper)

Shannon A. Moore, Richard C. Mitchell

The Phoenix Approach: Working with Adolescent Sexually Problematic Behaviours in Context 


Cameron Kopeck, Andrew McAllister

Activism Piplelines and CYC Practice: Moving to protect our Tomorrow


Elder Ron George, Elders Voices, Cowichan Tribes, Shanne McCaffrey, and CYC Students

The Experience of Emerging Adulthood among Street-Involved Youth


Doug Magnuson, Mikael Jansson, Cecilia Benoit

A Formative Evaluation of a Cinematherapy Activity Manual for the Film “The Maze Runner”


Gerard Bellefeuille, Shayleen Fortier, Cole Smith, Gabrielle St. Pierre, Shannon Rose,  Samantha Jungwirth, Nazia Islam, Mariam Yousouf

Solidarity, Love, and Ethics in Practice: Walking together in the "supercomplexities" of CYC

(Round Table)

Shantelle Moreno, Audrey Wolfe, Susan Rooke, Sasha Routley, Angie Grey, Kaz Mackenzie, Jane   Buchanan, Laura Vetrone

Personal Journeys - a healing program focused on Childhood Sexual Abuse   as it relates to Concurrent Disorders in Women 

Denise Masson Cormier
12:00 PM - 12:45 PM

Concurrent Sessions:


“What I Wish They Knew: Student Narratives of Challenges, Resiliency,   and Hope”


Matty Hillman

Diversity Across a Community: Creating and delivering services to youth of various sexual orientations, gender identities and   expressions


Elisabeth Cooke

Demographics of Youth in Africa Employment and Business Gaps and Service Responses   


Jacqueline McAdam

Supporting Families with Parental Mental Illness and/or Substance Use - A Community Collaboration 


Sonja Sinclair

Working with the Anxious Parent 


Bill Wagg

Continuation from previous session:

Activism Piplelines and CYC Practice: Moving to protect our Tomorrow


Elder Ron George, Elders Voices, Cowichan Tribes, Shanne McCaffrey, and CYC Students

Continuity of Care as a Hallmark Principle: Following 57 youth engaged   in a Stop Now And Plan (SNAP) Boys - Youth Leadership Services


Abdi Mohamud, Kaitlin Fredericks, Karen Sewell, Tyrese Gregg, Christopher Webster

Conceptualizing Young People as Subjects: A Critical Interpretation of   the Relational Process Within Sexual Exploitation 


Shannon Brown, Jaclyn Ng Man Chuen

“I am a Child and Youth Care Professional”: Identity, Meaning and Impact 


Janet Westcott, Rebecca Lang, Susan Hunt, Jon Johnson

12:45 PM - 1:45 PM Lunch on your own
1:45 PM -
2:30 PM

Concurrent Sessions:


The Three R's of Helping - Relationship, Responsibility & Resilience


Janet White

Transdisciplinarity in Post-Secondary Educational Reform: Meanings and Values


Richard C. Mitchell, Shannon A. Moore

Challenging Radical Feminist Discourses around Gender Identity


Audrey Wolfe

Kinship Trails: Contesting Trauma-Informed Practice in Indigenous Child Welfare 

(Round Table)

Sandrina de Finney, Angela Scott, Cathy Richardson, Kathleen Harris
A Re-appreciation of Therapeutic Residential Care for Children and Youth: Exploring Current International, Programmatic and Practice Perspectives Jim Anglin, Martha Holden, Anton Smith

Challenging our practice and ethical assumptions: Promoting innovation by finding new ways to look at what we are doing so we can do what we are doing differently.


Grant Charles, Ben Anderson-Nathe
Cultivating cultural acumen: A way towards reconciliation (Workshop) Jin-Sun Yoon

Flipping the Switch (UNCRC) and youth and online as life-space

(Round Table)

Tara Rose-Farrell, Shay Erlich

Keeping relational in support children with complex behaviors


Joan Astren

Professional Boundaries in CYC: Where I end and You begin 


Susana Guardado, Kaz MacKenzie

2:45 PM -
3:30 PM

Concurrent Sessions:


With(in) the Forest: Reconceptualising Pedagogies of Care


Sherri-Lynn Yazbeck, Julia Norman, Ildikó Danis, Anne Pickup, Deanna Elliott, Johanna Payjack,   Narda Nelson

Contributors to successful supported employment for youth with   disabilities: An evaluation


Olivia Kaehn

Trajectories of Smooth: An affective visual mapping of youth with autism spectrum spatial experiences whenbnavigating the Nova Scotia educational terrain.


Sarah Reddington

Connecting parents of gender creative children andbtrans youth with information resources

Beth Clark, Devon Greyson

All my Relations: A Kinship Approach to Indigenous Family Practice


Sandrina de Finney, CYC 360 students 

Collaborative Approaches to Building Communities of Care – Child and   Youth Advocacy Centres in Action


Mattie Walker, Angela Scott
Decolonization   Through Inquiry: A Path to the Re-valuing and Adoption of Indigenous Ways of Knowing


Ruggero Racca, Denise Baxter, Byron Stevenson

Religion, spirituality and CYC practice: Considering the complexities

Shemine Gulamhusein, Daniel Scott

Respect, Equity and Consent


Penny Fenske and Deborah Morris

The Challenge of Sustaining CYC Research and Development Capacity Over Time—the Case of the Unit for Child Care Research, circa ~1990-present

Alan Pence, Sandra Griffin, Lynette Jackson, Theresa Hunter, Sarah Fleury, Debbie Blakely


We look forward to welcoming you here on April 27th!

Conference Co-Chairs:

Dr. Sibylle Artz and Dr. Marie Hoskins

Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact our Conference Coordinator, Caroline Green