Lilia Zaharieva Spirit Award established in memory of former student

A student of the Child and Youth Care program and passionate advocate for youth in care, Lilia Zaharieva, died on June 17, 2022 at the age of 35. The Lilia Zaharieva Spirit Award for students is being established in her name.

Lilia was an extraordinary woman who took on many challenges on multiple fronts and she was an inspiration for all who knew her. She lived with cystic fibrosis (CF) and from a young age Lilia was told she would not live much past the age of 30. As a former youth in care, Lilia was a passionate advocate for transforming our social care systems to be more fair, caring and just. She also championed a campaign for government coverage of a new drug for CF.

An endowed student award, the Lilia Zaharieva Spirit Award, is being established in her name.

Donations to the award can be made on this UVic giving page