Record-breaking success for Giving Tuesday

With its colourful sprinkle theme, Giving Tuesday has become a favourite annual tradition at the university. Thanks to tremendous support from alumni, UVic faculty and staff, sponsors and other supporters, this year’s event raised $178,673, pushing the multi-year total over half a million dollars. That money supports 24 different causes at UVic that benefit students, research and community-focused programs like University 101, CanAssist and the Centre for Outreach Education.

The global Giving Tuesday initiative counters the commercialism of Black Friday and Cyber Monday through a day dedicated to philanthropic giving and volunteering. Here at UVic, it demonstrates what is possible when members of the entire UVic community come together for causes they care about. The sprinkle theme really encapsulates this. Each person’s small act of participation adds to the overall impact, and this year’s record-breaking result proves how powerful that collective effort can be.

The president and a student look towards a colourful wheel spinning which has various words written on it

President Kevin Hall lands on the Chance tile and spins the wheel to see what his fate will be: UVic Photo Services


A pair of hands lift a replica of a bust of a man's head. In the foreground is a large die.

Philanthr-opoly—an interactive game that teaches players about the impact of donations at UVic—was played by 453 students and other campus visitors on Giving Tuesday: UVic Photo Services


Two students stand facing several white boxes with slots in them

One of the differences between the traditional game of Monopoly and Philanthr-opoly is that real money is involved, thanks to generous Giving Tuesday sponsors. After playing, students chose to designate their “Sprinkle Bucks” to one of 24 funds: UVic Photo Services


A women holding a unicorn shaped megaphone to her mouth stands in front of a display of a heart, half full of colourful balls

Students were able to watch this heart-shaped thermometer fill up as more than $178,000 in donations came in over 24 hours—with most donations made online from alumni, faculty and staff: UVic Photo Services


Two female students wearing hats and scarves hold cupcakes

The Bubble Bus brightened up some students’ afternoon study breaks, offering hot chocolate and cupcakes by donation: UVic Photo Services