#GivingTuesdayNow - Giving back during a global pandemic

On May 5, 2020, UVic invites you to participate in #GivingTuesdayNow, a global day of giving and unity responding to the COVID-19 pandemic. It’s a day to celebrate the power of human connection and strength of community. Anyone and everyone can join in. Just do something that demonstrates kindness and generosity. Help spread the message further by sharing what you’re doing on social media, using #GivingTuesdayNow.

Need inspiration? Here are 5 ways you can take part:

  1. Volunteer. Pick up groceries for neighbours, make face masks at home, reach out to those isolated. Alumna Josie Gair (BEd ’15) started a list of volunteers willing to receive phone calls from lonely seniors, and Island Medical Program students have launched a coordinated effort that includes errands for front line healthcare workers, grocery delivery for seniors and collecting PPE.
  2. Direct your skills and resources to solutions like the faculty, staff and alumni who are donating hand sanitizerproducing face shields, launching virtual care solutions and so much more.
  3. Spread kindness. Our Kind Mail initiative has moved to a digital platform to ensure that students can still receive messages of positivity in a time when they need it most. Learn how you can send one
  4. Donate. Our students are facing tremendous challenges they would have never anticipated due to the pandemic. In response to this very real need, the university established a COVID-19 Emergency Bursary. Thanks to our alumni and donors, the fund is growing and has already disbursed almost $400,000 to students. But the applications for assistance continue to pour in. Learn more about the fund and how you can help students now.
  5. Stay home. Wherever possible, our 30,000+ students, faculty and staff are working and learning remotely to help flatten the curve. Visit the UVic COVID-19 website for up to date information and resources, including how to protect yourself and others. 

The theme for #GivingTuesdayNow is “Together we…” Together we help, together we give, together we heal, and together we thank. Whether you’re a past donor or someone who’s donated in response to this crisis, your support is helping the UVic community get through these challenging times. We are all in this together, and on this global day of giving and unity, we thank you for doing your part