Engineering Expansion Project: ECS South Stair tower Temporary closure of Level 1 access to exit

 Engineering/Computer Science Building (ECS) South

 In support of the Engineering Expansion Project, Bird Construction and FMGT Project Management Services will be closing the Level 1 access to ECS south stair tower for the afternoon of Friday Feb. 21.
This is in support of the EE Project, in order to infill the existing east facing door to the stair tower, as part of the new design configuration.

The ECS south stair tower will remain open Levels 2-6 and allow exiting to outside via the temporary exit structure at Level 2. However, from ECS Level 1, all occupants will need to exit at the north building exit, from the lecture theatre and classroom emergency exits, or via the L1 breezeway to ELW.

Friday, February 21st, 2025, from 12 PM – 5 PM

See the attached notice for more information: facilities/about/notices/current/20250219-f04057-ee-proj-notice-ecs-south-stair-temporary-closure-level-1-exit.pdf

Questions regarding this project should be directed to the following: 

Orianne Johnson, Project Manager, at  250-216-0387,  or Adam Gerber, Project Manager, 250-213-2055,