20-04528 Engineering Lab Wing Design Studio Lab Water Shutdown

Engineering Lab Wing

Facilities Management and Aral Construction are currently working on the
creation of new design studio lab space in the former boiler room in ELW.
In support of this work, the domestic hot and cold water for the entire
building will be briefly shut down for one hour to accommodate the
installation of a bypass and valve.

During this time, no bathrooms, drinking fountains, or sinks will be
functional within the ELW building. Alternative facilities are available at all
floors, in the adjacent Engineering Computer Science Building and Petch

Please reach out with questions or concerns about impact to your space.

Thursday August 8th, 2024, 7:30am - 8:30 am

View / Download Facilities Notice - ELW Design Studio Lab Water Shutdown

Contact / Organizer Name - Jen Miley, Project Manager

Contact / Organizer Email Address - jmiley@uvic.ca