Cornett Building - Partial Roof Replacement – UPDATE

Cornett Building – West Side of the Building

Facilities Management is working with Flynn Canada on the roof
replacement of the west half of the Cornett building.

The areas of replacement including the contractor’s mobilization area are
shown on the attached map.

There will be a crane on site and noisy work scheduled for Wednesday,
August 14th. The crane will be loading rock ballast onto various sections of
the roof and the rock will then be spread by wheelbarrow.

The new membrane installation will continue until August 23. The final step
is the installation of the metal flashing targeted to be complete by August

Monday, June 24 to Friday, August 30, 2024.

View/Download Facilities Notice - Cornett - Partial Roof Replacement – UPDATE

Contact/Organizer Name - Terry Moen, Project Manager

Contact/Organizer Email Address -