UVic president announces equity policy review

Amidst the challenges brought by COVID-19, UVic faculty, staff and students continue to work on important institutional initiatives. Earlier this month, I reached out to university community members and asked them to serve on a new institutional advisory committee to review three foundational policies that lay within the mandate of our Equity and Human Rights office. I am proud to say that, despite the challenge of our current times, our community understands the importance of this initiative and the EQHR Policy Advisory Committee has been formed. 

Over the coming two years, the advisory committee and two policy sub-committees will work to review, revise and recommend changes to three policies:

  • Sexualized Violence Prevention and Response Policy (GV0245)
  • Discrimination and Harassment (GV0205)
  • Human Rights, Equity and Fairness (GV0200)

These policies will be addressed in a coordinated manner with our first priority being the review of the Sexualized Violence Prevention and Response Policy so that we can meet our responsibilities to provincial legislation and timelines.  

The university community will be engaged each step of the way to offer input, feedback, and perspective.

Learn about the EQHR Policy Advisory Committee and the work they will be undertaking.

We will be updating the webpage regularly as new information becomes available. If you have any questions about the process, please feel free to contact .

For now, I encourage you to read these important policies, reflect on your experiences and envision what future versions of these EQHR policies could look like.