UVic Submarine Racing Club is hosting a special event this Saturday

UVic Sub
UVic Submarine Racing Sub
The UVic Submarine Racing Club is hosting a special event this Saturday at UVic's McKinnon Pool, inviting people to swim with their newly designed submarine.

Members of the club have worked very hard over the past 8 months designing and manufacturing their submarine from scratch, which was tested last Thursday and Saturday (here is a link with pictures and videos from both days): https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/12EMkezLGUY4UScRrQD067ZqR13_9TdQk?usp=sharing

This Saturday the 26th of May from 3:30-6 pm, the club is hosting an event at Mckinnon Pool located in UVic's Campus. This event will be hosting members of the community and the marine industry including Babcock Canada, and SSi-Corporate, as well as local high schools and elementary schools in order to showcase the field of marine systems engineering, and demonstrate the capabilities of UVic Engineering students.

CTV and CHEK news will be in attendance to cover the event, which will demonstrate how the human-powered submarine works and provide information on the club's activities (please see the attached flyer).
There will also be a virtual reality tour set up by platinum sponsors SSI Corporate.

For more information please see the following links, and we look forward to seeing as many of you at the pool this Saturday!


Contact: Manuel Dussault Gomez  uvic.submarine@gmail.com